Audio-Visual Painting Releases Steam

It may sound like a train whistling out steam, but fine artist Gregorio de Masi’s pieces are actually multifunctional paintings. The California-based painter who spent his earlier years splitting his time between Rome and London has settled in West Oakland, where he creates his unique multimedia artworks.

Drawing inspiration from his stint in the film industry, working with fog machines, de Masi has created his series of industrial works including the piece entitled The Steambox. In this work, the artist paints on a 4-inch thick wood panel, incorporating atmospheric fog, copper pipes, brass horns and vents, enhancing the presence of a locomotive. The surrealistic installation combines industrial and organic materials seamlessly. To get an idea of how one experiences de Masi’s paintings in person, with audio, check out the video, below.

Gregorio de Masi’s website
via [Visual News]

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