Farming Kindergarten Educates Preschool Children While Growing Vegetables on the Roof

If you plant the seed of environmental awareness into a child’s mind early on, there’s better hope that it will take hold, sprout, and grow. This is why a prototype of sustainable, educational space designed by Vo Trong Nghia Architects is so absolutely fantastic. The recently completed Farming Kindergarten comes complete with a green roof, safe outdoor playground, and interactive energy-saving features to help educate the young students on the importance of protecting our green earth.

Located in Ð?ng Nai, a province in southeastern Vietnam, the innovative space boasts a spiraling knot of a roof, one that will stay green all year long thanks to the warm, tropical climate. The roof is designed to grow enough food for the 500 preschool students while simultaneously providing the youngsters with agricultural experience in a lush outdoor classroom. The structure also loops upon itself, landing flush with the ground to create covered courtyards where the school children can run and play.

The futuristic building comes equipped with the typical classroom and indoor spaces where the children can learn. Additionally, these eco-conscious areas were all built using recycled materials, are heated with solar power, and showcase other eco-friendly amenities to help educate the schoolchildren on the importance of these sustainable features. The epic Farming Kindergarten was recently awarded a Silver Provisional Certificate by the Vietnam Green Building Council and will hopefully inspire more schools to adopt a similarly forward-thinking model.

Vo Trong Nghia Architects: Website | Facebook
via [Inhabitat]

All images via Vo Trong Nghia Architects.

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