Artist Transforms Scrap Metal into Lifelike Animal Sculptures

Specializing in metal and inspired by nature, artist John Brown transforms spare bits of scrap into quirky animal sculptures. The gifted artist manages to repurpose salvaged metal by producing delicate, lifelike characters that range from colorful butterflies and insects to birds, snakes, and frogs. Each piece is welded into shape and then painted over with an oil paint to mimic the natural markings of each subject.

The Wales-based sculptor puts copious amounts of time and love into each piece. The artist draws inspiration from the local fauna in the rural west corner of the country where he has tinkered with metal bits for the past 8 years. His sculptures are typically anatomically correct and based on actual animal species, such as the Holly Blue and Red Admiral butterflies he recreates. In fact, the butterfly sculptures are his best sellers, something which pleases him as he sees “people seeking an emblem of beauty transcending endless consumption” when they purchase his pieces.

A selection of Brown’s sculptures are currently available to purchase through his Etsy shop Green Hand Sculpture.

John Kennedy Brown: Facebook | Shop
via [Colossal]

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