15 Great Ghostly Images

Do spooky ghosts actually live among us? Judging from this photos, it’s hard not to scream “Yes!” These ghost-filled images were created by some creative photographers who used one of two main techniques. Long exposure is when you keep the shutter open long enough for your subjects to move around. This will create blurry shadows that will look as if they’re moving. The other is using multiple exposures or superimposing two or more individual exposures over each other. This adds people to scenes that were not originally there. Often used in photographic hoaxes, it’s a great way to fool your friends! (Of course, as a third alternative, you can also use Photoshop.)

Here are 15 of our favorite ghostly images we found around the web. Enjoy!

First photo credit: Ed Holland

Martinier Nicolas



Adde Adesokan

Robert Dragan

Philipp Klinger


Guido Musch


William Bullimore

Nadia Michel

Ed C.

Brigida Brito

Magnetic Lobster

Want to create your own ghostly image? You can find some pro tips here.

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