Adorable “Mickey Mouse Dog” Has Giant Fluffy Ears Like a Real-Life Cartoon

A little cute dog named Goma has recently found internet fame because of her one big feature—her ears! The 4-year-old Maltese and Papillon mix has fluffy gray ears that are nearly as tall as her head. Their scale, in addition to their rounded shape, has affectionately earned her the nickname of Mickey Mouse dog.

Goma is seemingly unaware of her unusually large ears. She’s like any other happy young pup. She enjoys taking walks, playing with toys, and snuggling in her cozy bed. Goma is patient, regularly donning bow-ties and bandanas, but she’s also curious. When her human breaks out the camera; her adorable mouse-like ears perk right up!

Follow all of Goma’s adorable activities through her quickly-growing Instagram page.

Meet Goma, an adorable pup whose large ears have earned her the nickname Mickey Mouse dog.

Goma: Instagram
h/t: [Laughing Squid]

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