Ginger Unzueta, the photographer behind the touching Life with Pito series, reached out to us to share the Joy Project, an ongoing effort to document the everyday beauty of life with her wonderful family. The photographer, who also teaches a workshop called Everyday Beauty on the Bloom Forum, seeks to live in joy and remember her blessings each day through her touching 365 Project.
As a stay-at-home wife, mother, and teacher to her three homeschooled children, Unzueta has experienced the mountains and valleys of motherhood. Some days are long, tiring, messy, and chaotic; other days are filled with laughter, fun, hugs, and kisses. No matter what challenges she may face, however, the photographer is determined to capture the true happiness of living each day. Her candid shots, which document her children’s daily adventures, express her warm and tender love as both a mother and a follower of Christ.
“I hope that through this project I will have something to look back and remember all the beautiful details of these fleeting days,” says Unzueta. “These details sometimes get lost or fuzzy in memory and they are too important to forget. Most of all, I hope that when I look back on this year ahead, I will have been challenged daily and grown through Christ. I pray that I will glorify Him in all I do.”
Ginger Unzueta’s website
Ginger Unzueta on Facebook
Ginger Unzueta on Instagram