The holidays are a great time to check out the interesting and innovative products currently on the market. When browsing through the endless selection, one thing becomes clear: there’s no shortage of unique gifts for the creative people in your life. From a hi-tech pen that doodles in 3D to artistic scarves that give you wings, we’ve selected some of our favorite items from artists and companies around the globe. Check out a variety of products related to art, food, technology, and home decor, below.
Wearable Art ScarvesShovava on Etsy | Starting at $48
Portable Book-Shaped LampLumio | Starting at $125
Pop-Up Book Featuring Functional CameraThis Book is a Camera on Kelli Anderson | $29
Laser-Engraved Rolling PinsValekRollingPins on Etsy | Starting at $22.65
Reflective Tic-Tac-Toe BoardPeleg Design on BellaKoola | $46.90
Wall Trophies for Plant LoversElkebana on CrowdyHouse | $141.04
Tranquil Moon LampLuna on Indiegogo | Starting at $65
Metal Animal BookendsDesign Atelier Article on Etsy | Starting at $49
Ceramic Plates of the 50 United StatesFifty United Plates on Corb | $80 (per plate)
Super Chunky Knitted BlanketsOhhio on Etsy | $400
Dog-Shaped Scratching Post for CatsStudio Erik Stehmann | $381
Bluetooth Speaker and Color-Changing LampYantouch on Amazon | Starting at $137
Temporary Literary TattoosLitographs | $5
“Inflated” Ceramic SculpturesBrett Kern Ceramics on Etsy | Starting at $250
Cat-Shaped CandlePyroPet Candles | Urban Outfitters | $34
Carved Crayon SculpturesWax Nostalgic on Etsy | Starting at $40
1,000 Colors Jigsaw PuzzleThe Colossal Shop | $49
Sprouting Pencil PlantsSproutworld | Starting at $7.59
Handmade Resin JewelryBoldB on Etsy | Starting from $28
3D Printing Pen3Doodler | $99
Smartphone-Controlled Paper AirplaneAmazon | $49.99
Water Garden – Double-Decker Combination of Garden and Fish BowlWater Garden on Uncommon Goods | $60
Creature CupsThe Colossal Shop | $14.99
Literary Candles (Book-Inspired Soy Candles)From the Page on Uncommon Goods | $16
Adult Coloring BooksSecret Garden on Amazon | $9.57