GIF-ITTI: Mesmerizing Street Art GIFs

You know those moments when you think, “Why haven’t I seen more of this?” That’s exactly how I felt when I came across GIF-ITTI, or moving images mixed with graffiti. UK-based artist and designer INSA creates these mesmerizing living street art pieces that you can’t help but stare at. He does it by painting over a wall several times, photographing each stage and then assembling the stills into GIFs. Reminds me of the work BLU does.

From INSA’s webiste: “The beauty of INSA’s GIF-ITI is that it only truly lives when viewed online, where these days most street art ends up being viewed, and it exaggerates the ephemeral nature of graffiti as each layer is painted instantly over the last. Mixing retro internet technology and labour intensive painting, INSA creates slices of infinite un-reality, cutting edge art for the tumblr generation.”

The above piece was done in collaboration with street artist UNGA. Wonder if we’ll ever see a Banksy piece animated like this…

INSA’s website
via [PSFK]

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