Photorealistic Ballpoint Pen Drawings by Gareth Edwards

Just how incredible are these photorealistic ballpoint pen drawings by artist Gareth Edwards? Using regular ballpoint pens and, in some cases, acrylic paint pen, the UK-based artist meticulously creates portraits of such famous celebrities as Audrey Hepburn, Walt Disney and Humphrey Bogart with Candy Toxton (from the film Knock on any Door (1949)).

“Of all the mediums used in traditional drawing, ballpoint pen has to be one of the hardest to master, and requires a very delicate hand, as well as an obsessive focus over a considerable amount of time,” he tells us. “Usually, a single drawing will take around 2 to 3 weeks, or even longer depending upon its size. It has almost become an addiction, and with each drawing, I find a greater desire to make it even more realistic than the last. The ultimate aim is to produce something that fools its audience into thinking such a detailed drawing couldn’t have been created with such a humble source.

“I want my work to represent possibility, the possibility that you really can create whatever it is you want, no matter how unrealistic it may seem at.”

Personally, I love the undone images, as in, the behind-the-scenes photos of the portraits coming to life.

Gareth Edwards’s website, Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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