Kids From Around the World Display All Their Toys

Every kid has a favorite toy or two. Even as adults, we can all think fondly back to that special action figure or stuffed animal that we loved to carry around with us. Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti wanted to explore those personal connections through his photography and so he traveled around the world for 18 months, documenting children surrounded by their favorite toys. In Toy Stories, he wasn’t expecting to reveal much more than we already know, saying “At their age, they are pretty all much the same. They just want to play.”

Before each shoot, Galimberti would get to know each child by spending time with them and playing with the toys together. He found that throughout the project, there were consistent differences in the relationships a child had with the material possessions, a difference specifically related to class. He says, “The richest children were more possessive. At the beginning, they wouldn’t want me to touch their toys, and I would need more time before they would let me play with them. In poor countries, it was much easier. Even if they only had two or three toys, they didn’t really care.”

Galimberti is a fan of all ages, young and old. Before this project, he spent time with older women, getting to know the grandmas of the world alongside their delicious home cooking in Delicatessen with Love.

Above: Orly – Brownsville, Texas

Li Yi Chen – Shenyang, China

Abel – Nopaltepec, Mexico

Alessia – Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy

Puput – Bali, Indonesia

Noel – Dallas, Texas

Cun Zi Yi – Chongqing, China

Allenah – El Nido, Philippines

Keynor – Cahuita, Costarica

Arafa & Aisha – Bububu, Zanzibar

Botlhe – Maun, Botswana

Lucas – Sydney, Australia

Ralf – Riga, Latvia

Reanya – Sepang, Malaysia

Norden – Massa, Marocco

Stella – Montecchio, Italy

Tangawizi – Keekorok, Kenya

Virginia – American Fork, Utah

Watcharapom – Bangkok, Thailand

Shaira – Mumbai, India

Gabriele Galimberti’s website
via [Feature Shoot]

Thanks for the tip, Mindy!

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