Amazing Darth Vader Bust Created with Upcycled Junk

Indiana artist Gabriel Dishaw is a junk artist who repurposes all kinds of used goods in order to create these amazing sculptures. He takes parts from old adding machines, typewriters, and computers and builds unique mechanical creatures, including this piece entitled Darth Vader Upcycled. By disassembling otherwise useless objects, the artist gives new life and new purpose to old scraps. This bust is a replica of Darth Vader, whom he calls “one of the baddest villains of all time,” and it is composed out of mechanical parts that would otherwise be thrown away.

Dishaw says, “My passion for working with metal and mechanical objects has been crucial in the evolution of my art and freeing my imagination. It provides me an avenue to express myself in a way that both helps me and the environment. The metal has the ability to resonate the very fantasies and thought processes that I envision.”

Gabriel Dishaw’s website
via [Lustik]

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