People on Twitter Are Sharing the Absurd Things They Believed as Children

Funny Childhood Memories Twitter Thread Ross McClearly

A child’s imagination is a wonderful thing, but as we get older, it becomes clear that the silly ideas we once had no longer make any sense. Perhaps you were tormented by monsters under your bed or believed swallowing a watermelon seed would result in one growing in your stomach. Although these nonsensical beliefs are a thing of the past (promise), it’s fun to reminisce about how naive and gullible we all once were. In a bid to do just that, Twitter user Ross McClearly decided to invite his followers to reveal the hilarious things they believed when they were young.

McClearly writes, “Where’s that ‘ridiculous things you believed as a kid’ thread? Because I just remembered that I used to think the two teams on University Challenge were stacked one on top of the other like the way it’s cut together.” It didn’t take long before fellow Twitter users began sharing their hilarious childhood beliefs—many of which are totally relatable. For example, @rivenscythe writes, “[I] used to think ‘drinking and driving’ related to all beverages, not just alcohol,” sparking memories for others who thought you could get arrested for spilling your drink in a car.

Others revealed their confusion about how TV and radio worked. “I used to think that people on the TV could see me when I was really little,” says @alicelucyrose_x. “One time an aardvark puppet on this show said ‘I love your new hair’ and I’d just come into the room after having a haircut. Proper freaked me out.” Another nostalgia-crazed Twitter user @VonnSand writes, “When a song was being played on the radio, I thought the whole band just popped into the room with the radio presenter, then left once they’d finished.”

Scroll down to read some of the hilarious things people believed when they were children. And if you have any silly memories of your own, why not add to the thread?

Twitter user Ross McClearly decided to invite his followers to share the silly things they believed when they were young.

The Twitter thread reveals hilarious, nonsensical childhood memories that are totally relatable.

From drinking and driving…

to the myths of TV and Radio…

…and even confusion about science and human biology.

Ross McClearly: Twitter
h/t: [a plus]

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