Surreal Bronze Sculptures of Fractured Figures Visualize Emotional Despair

Fractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal Sculptures

Spanish sculptor Isabel Miramontes creates amazing works of art inspired by the human body. Fascinated by “poses and impressions,” the artist creates fractured bronze figures and surreal sculptures that elegantly evoke a sense of movement and a deeper visualization of the human psyche.

Each of Miramontes’ fragmented figurative sculptures presents the artist’s interest in implied motion. By segmenting the forms into strips and spirals, she is able to experiment with the capabilities of the human body. Though their torsos are twisted, the figures’ faces and limbs remain intact. From this contrast arises a sense of “drama, abandon and tension,” as the forms must reconcile the fact that are somehow both dreamlike and human.

In addition to her collection of sliced up bronzes, Miramontes also creates surreal sculptures that play with proportions and perspective. This series of figurative works also conveys the artist’s tendency toward experimentation, as their bodies are elongated and their movements are exaggerated. While many of them seem exhausted, they also appear animated—another prevalent juxtaposition within the artist’s practice.

“The figures bear the weight of humanity,” the artist’s statement explains, “astonishingly defying their bronze origins with a definite fluidity of movement and a spiritual density omnipresent in her work.” Sculptural yet fluid, Miramontes’s bronze figures illustrate the artist’s interest in both the human body and the human condition.

Artist Isabel Miramontes sculpts fractured bronze figures that expertly imply physical and emotional activity.

Fractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal Sculptures


Fractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal Sculptures

In addition to the fragmented forms, the artist also create surreal sculptures that play with proportions.

Fractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal SculpturesFractured Bronze Figures Isabel Miramontes Surreal Sculptures

h/t: [Colossal, Lucy B Campbell Gallery, Canfin Gallery]

All images via Canfin Gallery.

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