For Love: My Modern Met’s First Book Released Worldwide

Over the last eight years, Alice Yoo and I have had the privilege of both curating and writing about touching stories of ordinary people performing extraordinary acts in the name of love. From parents to children, husbands to wives and pet owners to pets, we’ve come across profound stories that were both visually stunning and deeply meaningful. We’re excited to announce that we’ve now compiled our top 25 photo stories for a new book, which has been published by Chronicle Books!

For Love is being released worldwide today at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Indie Bound. From Batkid saving the city of San Francisco to a husband that wore a pink tutu all over the country to bring a smile to his cancer-stricken wife, these heartwarming photographs will make you laugh, cry, and believe in the power of love. Below is just an example of some of the stories you’ll see in the book. Within its pages, you’ll find personal essays where we’ve added in original quotes from all of our photographers. If you’re a fan of My Modern Met, and all the amazing photo stories we’ve featured over the years, you’ll definitely want to buy this book for yourself, your family, and friends.

Special thanks to all the photographers involved, and our incredible team of editors and writers for helping us make this happen.

Up-Themed Anniversary Shoot Celebrates 61 Years of Marriage

Make-A-Wish Foundation’s Batkid Saves San Francisco

Remarkable Daughter Treats Animals Like Siblings

Husband Wears Pink Tutu to Support His Cancer-Stricken Wife

Adorable Story of A Baby and a Rescue Pup

“Dedicated to ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Your courageous acts of love make this world a better place.” – Alice Yoo and Eugene Kim

Order it now at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or Indie Books!

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