What If Famous Filmmakers Made Instructional Cooking Videos?

Food Films by David Ma

How would Wes Anderson make s’mores?

A chef’s cooking style can be as unique as an artist’s hand. When thinking about filmmakers like Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarantino—two men who have distinct visual tastes—we know their approaches to making food would be very different from one another. Food artist and commercial director David Ma helps us visualize this world where culinary meets cinema. He’s created a series of short food films that feature instructional recipes produced in the style of directors Alfonso Cuarón and Michael Bay, in addition to Anderson and Tarantino.

Each of Ma’s one-minute videos reference the aesthetic of these famous creatives while providing actual directions that you can follow. In his Anderson-esque take, Ma produces s’mores against a desaturated magenta backdrop akin to The Grand Budapest Hotel. Anderson’s well-documented love of symmetry is also on display while the marshmallows roast over a candle and are pressed onto a graham cracker.

The twee approach to making s’mores is extremely refined compared to the explosion-loving waffles inspired by Michael Bay. From the beginning, Ma has thrown caution (and flour) into the wind and made waffles that could only be described as “manly” or “tough.” It presents the brunch-favorite dish in a way you’ve never seen before.

Watch the four videos below and see just how different food can look and feel based on its visual treatment.

In a series of short food films, David Ma imagines what it would look like if famous directors created instructional recipe videos.

What if Wes Anderson added his whimsy to s’mores?

If Wes Anderson Created S'Mores Food FilmIf Wes Anderson Created S'Mores Food Film


How violently would Quentin Tarantino cook spaghetti?

Food Films by David MaFood Style Photography by David Ma


Would Michael Bay incorporate explosions into his recipes?

Food Style Photography by David MaFood Style Photography by David Ma


How long would it take for Alfonso Cuaron to make pancakes? 

Food Films by David MaFood Films by David Ma

David Ma: Website | Instagram
h/t: [designboom]

All images via David Ma / YouTube screenshots.

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