Photographer Captures the Amazingly Ornate Ceilings of Roman Churches on an Architectural Pilgrimage

French architect and photographer Florian Pagano spent his honeymoon on an architectural pilgrimage documenting the ornate ceilings of the many churches of Rome. Capturing the overwhelming details and intense colour scope with HDR photographic techniques, Pagano’s images transport viewers straight into the spiritual halls of these Roman cathedrals.

The talented artist currently resides in Bali, Indonesia, and has been balancing an architecture career with photography projects on the side, since 2010. His images showcase the immense size of these sacred places while highlighting their ornate shading and deep colours, returning focus to the amazing artwork within the dark halls. The collection draws attention to the extensive human effort that went into these relics. Through his photography, Pagano forces the viewer to gaze upwards, soaking up the powerful, artistic atmosphere of these holy buildings.

Above: Basilicia Sant’Andrea della Valle

Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio

Chiesa San Luigi dei Francesi

Basilica Sacro Cuore di Ges a Castro Pretoria

Parrochia Santa Maria in Via

Basilica San Pietro

Basilica Sant’Andrea della Valle

Chiesa del Ges

Basilica San Petro

Cappella Sistina

Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio

Chiesa del Ges

Basilica Santa Maria Delgi Angeli

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore

Florian Pagano: Website | Facebook | Flickr | Tumblr
via [Creative Boom]

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