Fine Art Drawn in Circles

When advertising is as creative as this, one can’t help but be impressed by it. When Faber Castell, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of pens, pencils, and art supplies, decided to show how precise their artist pen was, they thought of something quite outside-the-box.

Working with agency Ogilvy and Mather, they asked illustrator and art director Chan Hwee Chong of Singapore to recreate masterpieces like Girl with a Pearl Earring, a self portrait of Vincent van Gogh, and the Mona Lisa. The beauty of it all is that Chong only uses a single line to create each of these amazing spiral works. Make sure to watch the video, below, to see Chong in action.

Agency: Ogilvy and Mather Singapore
Regional ECD: Eugene Chong
Creative Director: Eric Yeo
Art Director: Fajar Kurnia, Eric Yeo, Chan Hwee Chong
Copywriter: Jeremy Chia
Illustrator: CUE Art
Director: Sling Ng/Rajay Singh
DI: Pro Color

via [Behance]

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