Gorgeous Mural of Angel Wearing a Gold Leaf Mask Pops Up in Los Angeles

Fin DAC street art los angeles

We’ve been following the evolution of street art by Fin DAC for years (see here and here), and are in love with his latest work in Los Angeles. Painted on the Love Shack in Venice Beach, Resurrection of Angels is a powerful work that pops from the facade of the building. His muse’s angel wings flow onto the shop window, and the Irish artist has cleverly built his figure up above the roofline, giving her a statuesque appearance.

Hands clasped to chest, the angelic figure seems like a nod to a Renaissance masterpiece, while simultaneously a wholly contemporary work. Characteristically, her eyes are swathed in a dripping mask, this time formed from gold leaf. By contrasting her against a halo of red and gold, the illusion of depth and space is complete.

The busy artist is currently in Miami finishing up a new piece, but had time to tell us about this piece, which is one of two murals he completed while in LA. “I’ve been planning an angel themed series for a while now, and LA had to be the place to get them started,” Fin DAC writes us. “I actually did two pieces but the second one is a ‘hidden beauty’ and I have some people putting together a ‘making of’ video as we speak.”

If this wall is any indication, we can’t wait to see how the theme continues with the second mural. Stay tuned for the video and in the meantime, scroll down for more photos and details of Resurrection of Angels.

This is one of two murals Fin DAC recently completed in Los Angeles.

Fin DAC mural los angelesFin DAC mural los angelesFin DAC mural los angelesFin DAC street art los angelesFin DAC: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Fin DAC.

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