Majestic Wildlife and Human Sculptures Made of Wrought Wire and Bronze

Artist Fernando Surez Reguera creates stunning wire sculptures that tap into the imagination by presenting familiar forms stripped down to their bare bones. His collection of humanoid and animal figures are elegant in their construction, yet present a unique outlook on the conventional form. Presented simply, composed of just their basic structural components, Reguera’s figures are somehow still captivating in their final form. Rooted in a sense of realism, Reguera creates fascinating structures that explore the boundaries of contemporary sculpture work.

The formally educated artist works and lives in Madrid, Spain where he produces his intricate pieces out of wrought iron, bronze, and occasionally resin. With a distinct, scientific feel, Reguera’s portfolio features human figures with roots sprouting out their feet, and others with tendrils snaking up and out in the place of a head. His wildlife sculptures are similar in their approach: exquisitely detailed with an attention to anatomical correctness that is apparent in every piece. Striking a balance between the sculptures’ free flowing appearance with his use of hard, unyielding material, Reguera continually produces visually intriguing artwork.

Fernando Surez Reguera: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Lustik]

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