Writer Asks Twitter for Their Favorite Weird Facts and People Really Deliver

Office parties, friendly gatherings, and family time usually means you’re in for a lot of small talk, and the best way to overcome these dreaded social obligations is to have some cheesy jokes and interesting facts on hand to break the ice. If you can’t think of any right now, perhaps this recent Twitter thread might help. Writer Nicole Cliffe took to social media to ask people for their “fav weird fact,” and the answers are pretty mind-blowing.

As of writing, Cliffe’s tweet (posted on December 10, 2018) has received thousands of likes and retweets, as well as over 2,600 replies from people eager to share their wisdom on all things weird and wonderful. Some of the most intriguing responses include a tweet from Carol Blymire who revealed, “woodpecker tongues are over a foot long and wrap around the bird’s brain to protect it from TBI while pecking.” The weirdness doesn’t stop there—did you know that a hippopotamus’ sweat is pink? Or that the pineapple plant has digestive enzymes in its flesh that can cause you to lose your fingerprints!? Nature is never short of surprises.

Love weird facts? Scroll down to read some of the responses to writer Nicole Cliffe’s tweet.

Nicole Cliffe: Twitter
h/t: [IFLScience]

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