Gold Medalist Para-Athlete Shares the Spotlight With His Opponent by Raising His Hand After the Match

Screenshot of video showing para-karate athlete raising his opponents' hand after defeating him

Photo: Screenshot from Reddit

Displays of sportsmanship have a way of touching people’s hearts. A recent example shows that the spotlight doesn’t have to shine on just the victor. After being named winner at the 2023 Asian Para-Karate Championships, Iranian athlete Farzad Safavi Vardin knew he wanted to share the glory. Following the standard bow, he sprinted across the stage toward his opponent, Faris Khouj, and raised his hand—as if saying that he was also a winner.

Vardin’s spontaneous gesture was quickly joined by the coaches, who lifted both athletes’ arms in a moment that celebrated how far these athletes made it in the competition. Vardin was smiling the entire time, happy to share the spotlight with an equally skilled player. The sweet moment was captured on video and shared on social media, earning over 34,000 upvotes on Reddit. Users celebrated Vardin’s good spirits, describing the event as a “true act of kindness, class, and sportsmanship.”

Vardin won gold in the Intellectually Impaired Male K22 category of the Asian Para-Karate Championships, which is part of the 2023 AKF Senior Championships. The event was held in Melaka, Malaysia, and welcomed athletes in seven categories. In the end, Iran was awarded four gold medals, Kazakhstan took home two, and Saudi Arabia earned one.

Vardin’s act has warmed hearts around the world, reminding people about the importance of coming together and celebrating our strengths.

After being named winner at the 2023 Asian Para-Karate Championships, Farzad Safavi Vardin knew he wanted to share the glory.

Screenshots of video showing para-karate athlete raising his opponents' hand after defeating him

Photo: Screenshot from Reddit

In a display of sportsmanship, Vardin raised his adversary’s hand—as if saying that he was also a winner.

Screenshots of video showing para-karate athlete raising his opponents' hand after defeating him

Photo: Screenshot from Reddit

You can watch the video of the moving gesture below.

After winning the 2023 Asian Para-Karate Championships, Gold medalist Farzad Safavi beautifully shares the moment with his opponent. As you can see, It was the first thing Farzad thought of doing after he was declared victorious. A true act of kindness, class, & sportsmanship.
by u/handlewithcareme in MadeMeSmile

h/t: [Reddit]

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