Flocks of Animals Travel Across the Globe

Born in the Republic of Tajikistan, Faridun Zoda has been an artist since he was 12 years old. The talented painter has collections all over the world, including the United States, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Chile, Israel, and China.

Recently, Zoda took his acrylic paintings off of flat paper and started combining them with paper mche, wood, and metal to produce these unique globe designs. The base of each structure is painted to match the spherical compositions, which include a flock of sandhill cranes and a school of swimming fish. As the orb spins around on its axis, the featured animals fly and swim in a never-ending spiral. While he currently only has three of these uncommon designs so far, one can only hope that Zoda plans to produce more in the future.

Faridun Zoda’s website
via [Lustik]

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