Illustrated Poster Highlights 25 Popular Variations of Ramen

Self-proclaimed “noodle freak” Fanny Chu has created an illustration that will delight and inform fans of the delicious dish known as ramen. Called The Ramen Poster: Wall Art For Ramen Lovers, it features 25 popular variations of the salty soup and noodles. Each type of ramen has an accompanying illustration that details its ingredients. It’s not only art to hang on your wall, but educational, too. Different parts of Japan have their own signature recipes, and they’re highlighted here.

Chu’s inspiration for her poster was simple – an intense love of the dish. “I crave for noodle almost everyday,” she writes. “I like to try different kinds of noodle, but nothing can beat ramen!”

The illustrator is currently raising money on Kickstarter to fund the printing of her poster. There are two different backgrounds to choose from, and they both come in a 16-by-20 inch format. Her expected delivery is July of this year.

The Ramen Poster Kickstarter page
Fanny Chu blog
via [Spoon and Tamago]

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