Famous Shrapnel-Exploding Portraits

Being original is an important factor in art. That’s why it’s such a great achievement that expert collage artist Lola Dupr manages to remain original while sampling other people’s work. Dupr, whose work is currently based in Glasgow, composes mesmerizing, unique photo montages with an exploding effect. She also makes every piece by hand!

Taking photographs of celebrities, as well as other recognizable faces and images from history, Dupr cuts and pastes together different clippings to create these optical illusions that give the viewer a different perspective. Her distortion technique, she refers to as “exploded,” is spot on and really gives a sense of motion. If you want to experience the kaleidoscope effect first-hand, you can see Dupr’s first solo show Shrapnel at the Phone Booth Gallery in Long Beach, California until November 5, 2011.

Lola Dupr’s website and Flickr

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