Family Finds a Very Clever Way to Visualize Their Family Tree

Family Tree House OrbDeluxxxe

A family tree is a fascinating way to trace your ancestry. Commonly shown as a chart with the oldest generations at the top and the youngest generations at the bottom, these simple layouts allow you to discover the line of past and present family members that led to your very existence. However, the relatives of Reddit user OrbDeluxxxe took the family tree concept to the next level with a very special family portrait taken during their recent reunion. All 45 members stood on the balconies of the clan’s large lake house, arranged to visualize each generation.

OrbDeluxxxe posted the photo on Reddit with the caption, “60 years ago the couple at the top said ‘I do.’” The image shows the oldest couple standing at the top of the “tree house” with their six children and spouses standing on the level below them. The third generation are at the bottom, five of which have the fourth generation babies in their arms. Each family is represented by color-coordinated t-shirts, and arranged in order of oldest to youngest (from left to right).

OrbDeluxxxe, who is in the center of the photo, explains, “We were actually short 4 people on the bottom row—a couple in red and a couple in the periwinkle. Bottom row includes 5 great grandkids, and hopefully more on the way in due time.” The Redditor adds, “Nearly everyone on the bottom row at least has a BA or BS, there’s a PhD, an MD, an MBA, and a masters in social work on that row, and two who are hoping to get MDs in the near future. There is also a handful of engineers and 2 teachers.”

The clever photograph not only details the family’s bloodline, but it also captures happy memories. OrbDeluxxxe writes, “Grandma and grandpa have a lake house, we all have great memories of going there and walking down to the marina, deer spotting in the back yard, etc. Everyone is always welcome and you can count on grandma to make your favorite cookies/snacks.”

Redditor OrbDeluxxxe posted this photo of his family reunion that cleverly visualizes his family tree.

60 years ago the couple at the top said “I do” from r/pics

OrbDeluxxxe: Reddit
h/t: [Neatorama]

All images via OrbDeluxxxe.

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