Infographic Offers a Valuable Guide to Feeling Happier in Your Life

Happiness is something that many of us strive for, but might have a hard time finding. While this feeling is partially determined by our genetic makeup, there are also steps we can take to actively foster joy. The website Factorialist, which “pairs science with story,” created a helpful guide to becoming happy. By combining scientific studies and charming illustrations, they present a comprehensive look at the ways in which we can improve our overall contentment.

The infographic points out that happiness is half influenced by heredity, 10% life circumstances, and 40% attitudes and actions. The more we focus on aspects of life that we can control, the better we’ll feel. Each facet of our existence–such as work, friends, and exercise–has specific actions associated with it. Some of Factorialist’s tips are as simple as placing a plant on your desk or laughing more, while others require more effort, like finding a life partner or having a shorter commute. Despite this disparity, the graphic offers an overall sense of comfort to those seeking happiness by providing concrete steps to do so. 

For work, small tweaks can have a positive impact:

Focus on experiences rather than stuff:

Generosity fosters a sense of happiness:

Sharing your life with someone will make you happier, but it’s undecided if having kids will:

Cut down on your commute (or change your perspective on it) and exercise regularly:

Always remember:

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via [Design TAXI]

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