Body Part Building Blocks Form Hilarious Configurations

All of the pieces to the puzzle are there, but Switzerland-based artist Fabien Nissels organizes them into various wacky and nonsensical arrangements in his project, entitled Blocks. Nissels has taken a typically familiar object–the human body–and encourages his viewers to reinterpret this everyday thing in all of its unexpected new forms.

This creative project is completely real and doesn’t involve any photoshop. To start, Nissels took his friend, Johan, into a studio and photographed him from four different angles. They then printed the photos, attached them to foam blocks, and went on adventures in all kinds of different environments.

The final results are jumbles of squared off arms, legs, bodies, and faces that represent the portrait of a divided man. In some settings, there is a sense of robotic rigidity, while in others, there is a fragility to the square body parts that have collapsed onto the ground. The humorous set-ups show Johan’s blocky body trying to do simple things like cook on the stove, climb a tree, and ride a bicycle.

Fabien Nissels’ website
via [Visual News]

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