Artist Stencils Miniature Apartment Buildings on the Street

Berlin-based street artist Evol playfully transforms city blocks, power boxes, walls, and any other public architecture he comes across into micro cities as part of his ongoing Buildings series. The German artist carefully executes his crafty urban project by using stencils to mimic the gridded windows and balconies that line an apartment building’s facade. Essentially, he is building tiny cities within cities, one box at a time.

While Evol could use the same template over different surfaces, he opts to mix it up. The artist’s whimsical miniature buildings often include varied compositions of satellite dishes and diverse window fixtures. Some of the “windows” even have curtains while others are left bare. Evol’s choice to add individuality to each complex makes his creations all the more deceiving, causing viewers to do a double-take. When photographed, it is especially confusing and requires a reminder that what audiences are looking at is in fact a concrete planter or electrical box and not an apartment complex.

Evol website
Evol on Flickr
via [Twisted Sifter]

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