Magical Crowns Made of Butterflies Playfully Fluttering Around Your Head

Floral crowns have long ruled as a whimsical way to adorn your head, but sea shell-encrusted headdresses have recently made a splash as a gorgeous alternative. Artist Iryna Osinchuck-Chajka of Eten Iren adds to this unique crown trend, although she takes a step back from the water and focuses on dry land. Her fairy tale hair accessories feature kaleidoscopes of butterflies that look like they’ve gathered around your head. It’s as if you have magical powers that summon these beautiful creatures and compel them to follow you wherever you go.

This delicate illusion is crafted with EVA foam, which is a flexible and formable material that can be transformed in a myriad of ways. Osinchuck-Chajka hand cuts the butterflies’ intricate wings from it and then paints their life-like patterns. Afterwards, she secures the creatures on thin wire and pins to attach on your head. From afar, the fasteners look inconspicuous—all that’s seen are the gentle sway of butterflies.

Osinchuck-Chajka imagines her romantic, one-of-a-kind accessories for weddings, but they’re fit to wear with any outfit that’s in need of a fanciful boost. See her entire selection in the Eten Iren Etsy shop.

Eten Iren: Etsy | Facebook | Instagram
via [Culture N Lifestyle]

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