Interactive Street Art Pops Up in Malaysia

As part of the George Town festival, a month-long celebration of art going on in Penang, Malaysia, Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic is beautifying the city streets with his imaginative street art. Dubbed a “new Banksy” by The Wall Street Journal, 25-year-old Zacharevic is making a name for himself with these fun works.

One of his pieces is of two life-size siblings taking a ride on the back of a mountain bike. Interestingly, the bike is actually real and is propped up against the wall.

The Armenian Street wall painting has provoked a fascinating and creative response from its visitors. People are taking pictures of themselves doing everything from chasing the children down the street to levitating next to it!

“This is street art at its best, when it stops being an individual painting and becomes part of the public imagination,” says Zacharevic. He’s encouraged people to take their own creative picture and post it on his Facebook fan page. There will be two winners – one for the photo that’s the most creative and one with the most “likes.” Submission deadline is July 5th.

Below is a photo of the street art piece by itself following by 20 of our favorite submissions. How fun!

The George Town Festival runs through July 15.

Ernest Zacharevic’s Facebook page

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