Beautiful Ceramic Teapots Shaped Like Weathered Tree Parts

At first glance, these aging tree stumps don’t look like much. However, once you realize what they are you’ll be amazed! Artist Eric Serritella created this incredible collection of teapots that look just like weathered parts of a tree. The series, called Trompe L’oeil teapots, raise an awareness about the environment while serving as beautiful one-of-a-kind vessels that can actually be used in the kitchen.

The North Carolina-based artist works primarily with clay, expressing himself and his love for the natural world through the malleable material. Serritella brings a touch of nature to the table by completely hand-carving each piece with great detail, blending accurate depictions of nature within each functional, ceramic form. He says, “I strive to show how nature maintains its splendors through tenacity and triumph of existence despite the disregard we humans show her. I appreciate how ceramic mirrors the environment’s fragility and durability–easily damaged if disrespected and yet invincible in its inherent beauty.”

Eric Serritella’s website
via [My Amp Goes to 11]

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