Animators Create Dancing Pigeon Strutting Along the Street in Fun Music Video

Emmit Fenn Who Dat Music Video Dancing Pigeon

There are certain songs you can’t help but dance to, and “Who Dat” by Emmit Fenn is one of them. But it’s not just people that will want to move to the funky club tune. The accompanying music video features a street pigeon that coolly bops along to the beat as it walks down the street.

Fenn wrote the song after he came across a real-life pigeon on the streets of NYC. “I was in New York a couple of months ago for work and one of my favorite things to do in my free time is to just walk around aimlessly,” he recalls. “At one point, I was playing super groovy old house music for some reason and while I was listening I saw this pigeon just walking to the beat of the song. I had never seen something so confident before. Honestly, I think in the moment I just really wanted to be that pigeon.”

That evening, Fenn wrote the song and reached out to animator and director Patrick Jean to visualize it. “I think a lot of people think my music is about relationships or these really emotional experiences but in reality, they’re usually about things like seeing a pigeon across the street and getting jealous of its confidence,” reveals Fenn. “I thought the only way to truly show people what the song was about was literally showing them what the song was about. So that’s what we did.”

For the video, Jean created a realistic, 3D animated pigeon that ruffles its plumage to the beat and struts along the sidewalk with undeniable swag. It even shows off some fancy footwork along the way. We can’t help but be envious of this bird’s fly moves. It’s just too “coo” for skool.

Check out the full video below.

For  the song “Who Dat” by Emmit Fenn, director Patrick Jean created a music video with an animated dancing pigeon.

Emmit Fenn: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Patrick Jean: Website | Facebook | Vimeo
h/t: [Laughing Squid]

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