Colorful Paintings Visualize the Energetic Souls of Wildlife

emily tan animal paintings rainbow

Expressive and emotive, British artist Emily Tan‘s colorful creature portraits imaginatively capture the beauty of the animal kingdom. Each polychromatic piece combines the sketch-like quality of drawing with dreamy washes of watercolor to present an ethereal series of animal paintings.

Though composed of quick brushstrokes and bursting with color, the portraits convey realistic renderings of animals, from big cats and primates to small birds and butterflies. Though impressive even from a distance, each large-scale portrayal is even more captivating up-close; in addition to a seemingly infinite collection of colors, the dazzling designs also feature delicate details noticeable only to the observant. From intricate, criss-crossing lines to tiny, white dots reminiscent of pointillism, the meticulous and minute subtleties of each portrait only enhance their splendor. Additionally, each depiction is set against a white background, emphasizing their graphic nature and allowing the colors to pop off the page.

In addition to its awe-inspiring aesthetics, Tan’s striking series of wildlife portraits also serves a deeper purpose. All proceeds from the sales of prints, merchandise, and even original artwork aid the World Wildlife Fund and its commitment to preserving and protecting animals.

If you’d like to learn more about Tan’s colorful collaboration with the WWF, visit Tan’s website.

emily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbow


emily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbow


emily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowemily tan animal paintings rainbowEmily Tan: Website | Instagram
h/t: [Art People]

All images via Emily Tan.

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