Organized Floral Arrangements Produce Rainbows of Color

In this series, entitled The Garden Collection, photographer Emily Blincoe creates unique flower arrangements with a creative twist. We recently enjoyed her Sugar Series and, now, she has applied her orderly technique to a wide array of natural blooms. Each photograph features organized compositions filled with petals, leaves, and stems arranged by hue. Set against the same dark background, the plants and blossoms pop out in clusters of vibrantly similar colors.

With a methodical hand, Blincoe creates visually pleasing work that reveals the inherent beauty of particular objects. By working with plants in this series, she was able to identify a symmetrical order within the intricate shapes and patterns found in nature. Her captivating designs transform ordinary flowers into key elements within complex systems, providing her viewers with the opportunity to inspect the magnificent details found all around us everyday. Collectively, the images produce a rainbow of flowers that will brighten anyone’s day!

Emily Blincoe’s website

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