Translucent Cube Reveals Different Handpainted Image Depending on What Angle You View It From

Artist, Thomas Medicus recently unveiled a marvellously complex anamorphic structure entitled Emergence Lab. The cubic creation combines 216 individually painted acrylic glass strips to create a three dimensional optical illusion, where a new image is revealed each time you shift your perspective. Each side of the translucent cube contains a painting that is only revealed from a singular direction; every figure fills the same surface as its counterpart on the opposite side, inspiring an illusion of solidity for each painted-on character.

Based in Austria, Medicus enjoys working with both illustration and glass, creating artistic optical illusions that play tricks on the eyes. With this particular sculpture, all planning had been meticulously completed prior to beginning the painting and construction of the piece. Medicus systematically formed each painted segment, covering the entire sculpture in silicone oil to maintain an appearance of solid glass. The resulting product is an amazingly intricate and complex cubic, glass sculpture that is stunning from multiple angles. Watch the video, below, to see the visual power of shifting perspectives.

Thomas Medicus: Website | Instagram
via: [Colossal]

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