Shimmering Landscape of Waste Made of 60,000 Old CDs

60,000 CDs form a vast, shimmering landscape in this thought-provoking installation by Paris-based artist lise Morin. The latest in Morin’s Waste Landscape series, the installation was on display last year at Kuntshalle in Koice, Slovakia during White Night 2014.

Waste Landscape was created by hand-sewing the CDs together and laying them over inflatable mounds. Viewed under different lighting schemes, the space is transformed into everything from a rippling sea to a desert of plastic. Walking amongst the artificial dunes, viewers are immersed in a gleaming, metallic world.

The artwork is a response to the growing waste produced by modern society. “My first thought when I pondered a representation possible of the contemporary landscape turned into a desert of plastic, a symbol of the vision of western society in the second part of the 20th century,” Morin explains. “In that way, the CD is a very symbolic creation of this vision of the economy and of this period. The planned obsolescence, short-term technology, entertainment and use of polycarbonate married for better or for worse. The other issue is to represent an invisible landscape: the buried landscapes that are hidden or are aestheticize today: monumental waste disposal for example.”

lise Morin’s website
via [roxxyxk]

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