Interview: Extraordinary 11-Year-Old Child Prodigy Paints and Sells ‘Living Art’

Elisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy Artist

Like many 11-year-olds, Elisabeth Anisimow loves creating art. Unlike most kids her age, however, Anisimow has already made a name for herself as an artist, with her work making its way into museums and private collections around the world.

According to her mother, Ekaterina Anisimova, young Elisabeth’s interest in art unfolded when she was just a toddler. “It all started at the age of 2, when she would paint with her fingers, then brushes and art began to emerge,” she tells My Modern Met. “She would stare for hours at the paintings at the museums. She was always very creative—painting, do-it-yourself projects, making paper dresses—and wouldn’t stopYou name it . . . her imagination is constantly producing something new and extraordinary!”

While Elisabeth initially gained prominence for her watercolor paintings at the age of 7, she has since dabbled in other genres, including her most recent Living Art series. Inspired by centuries-old practices, this project features photographs of real-life models, sets, and costumes painted by Elisabeth, “resulting in a masterful work of living art with humans as part of the art piece.”

Recently, we had the chance to speak with Elisabeth and her mother Ekaterina about this exciting series. In our interview below, you can learn more about the extraordinary life and work of this child prodigy artist.

Elisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistWhat is the earliest artwork you remember Elisabeth creating?

Ekaterina: The first artwork she created was our family portrait. We still have it. So adorable!

What work of art are you most proud of?

Elisabeth: It is hard to say what work am I most proud of! I think I am proud of all of them because each work is unique in its own way!

The Children’s Museum in Norway exhibited Elisabeth’s work when she was just 7.  Can you tell us about that?

Ekaterina: She was very proud when that happened. They really loved her work!

You must have been so excited! What was it like to see your work on the walls of a museum?

Elisabeth: I am very proud. For every artist is the best prize is to see their own work on display and feel that it makes people happy!

Elisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistAt such a young age, I’m sure it can be challenging for Elisabeth to juggle all of her activities. How do you make sure her busy life is balanced?

Ekaterina: Elisabeth is a kid and even being such a dedicated artist she still climbs trees and even plays video games sometimes. This little artist lives by her imagination and it really helps her a lot. She sees inspiration everywhere and carries her little sketch book with her all the time.

How did you come up with the idea for Living Art? Please tell us about this awesome series!

Elisabeth: I  was inspired by the European tradition tableau vivant, which translates from French to “living picture.” It was very popular in the 19th century. It involved actors transforming themselves to represent scenes from art, literature, or history. And I thought that I should try my own “living art.” It turned out to be really exciting because it involves not only painting but also creating costumes and the whole scene!

Elisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistWhat’s next for Elisabeth? Any plans or projects?

Ekaterina: She constantly comes out with different ideas so we are trying to accomplish all of them.

What are your dreams for the future?

Elisabeth: I want to create more and more and one day have my own big studio!

Elisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy Artist

See more photos from Elisabeth Anisimow’s Living Art series below.

Elisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow Living Pictures Child Prodigy ArtistElisabeth Anisimow: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Ekaterina Anisimova.

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