Loving Photo Captures Sweet Moment an Elderly Man Helps His Wife Buy Makeup

Movies may tell us otherwise, but the art of true love isn’t always about grand, sweeping gestures that take audiences’ breath away. In fact, true love is often found in the small, thoughtful deeds that continually make us feel loved on both good and bad days. The perfect example of such a deed: an elderly gentleman taking the time to help his wife in the makeup aisle, which was captured in a recently photo that’s been going viral. 

“It was such a simple way to show how big his love was for her,” Love What Matters writes, captioning the heartwarming image submitted by Hannah Nicole Kent. “A perfect reminder that our bodies grow old but our love doesn’t have to.” It turns out that the wife in the snapshot was having trouble finding makeup that perfectly matched her skin tone. In response, her husband calmed her down, helped her locate the product she wanted, and then proceeded to kiss her forehead.

This endearing pair shows us that we don’t always have to watch a movie to find true love–we can also look in unconventional places like the makeup aisle!

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via [The Huffington Post]

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