Incredible Photo Comprised of 3,888 Images Highlights Seasons in a Year

Eirik Solheim recorded the year 2010 via the daily view from a window of his Olso, Norway-based home. But this endeavor didn’t just yield 365 images. Instead, he set up his old Canon 400D camera to photograph one picture every 30 minutes for the whole year. This amounted to around 16,000 images which he narrowed down to 3,888, because it matched the 3,888 x 2,592 pixel resolution of his camera. As if this wasn’t impressive enough, Solheim then used a custom computer script (with help from Twitter followers) to take a one-pixel-wide line from the first picture, the next line from the second image, and so on. The process was repeated until it filled up a pixelated canvas.

The result is an incredible and subtle array of seasons. January is on the left side of the landscape and it transitions to December on the right. Oslo experiences a long winter with a vibrant summer, while the spring and fall are both short in comparison. Solheim also had fun with his photos by turning them into a gorgeous video titled One Year in 40 Seconds.

Eirik Solheim website
via [Visual News]

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