6-Year-Old Is Told Her Painting Is “Wrong” by Teacher, So the Internet Steps in to Uplift Her

It goes without saying that teachers are often unsung heroes who help to educate and encourage students; however, there are instances when even they could learn how to be more supportive. Gemma Leighton was disheartened to find out that her 6-year-old daughter Edie fell victim to the words of a careless teacher. The little girl painted a landscape at her after-school art club, but when she presented it to the teacher, she was told that she had “done it wrong.” The comment saddened Edie, as she loves creating art. Determined, Leighton took to Twitter to look for support and cheer her daughter up, which led to an avalanche of positive messages praising the girl’s work.

The loving mom posted a picture of her daughter painting with the message, “My 6 year old daughter painted this amazing scene at an after school art club. Her art teacher told her she had done it wrong?! You can’t do art wrong!” Edie’s drawing features a warm-colored sunset, and a tree-lined road. Upon seeing the charm of the piece, Twitter users and public figures expressed how much they loved it.

“This is a brilliant piece of work, full of life and energy. It’s really beautiful and Edie should be very proud of it,” said screenwriter Simon Blackwell. Meanwhile, voice actress Julie Nathanson wrote, “She has a beautiful perspective of the world, and it’s all hers. Thank you for sharing it with the world.” The beloved toy brand Sylvanian Families also chimed in: “We think Edie is very talented! She’s always welcome in our art club.”

On top of the kind words, some art connoisseurs celebrated her amazing understanding of perspective, and even drew comparisons to other paintings. “If her teacher knew anything about art he or she would have noticed that Edie included perspective in the painting, something most 6 year olds haven’t learned yet,” wrote one Twitter user. Another person made a point to share the work of Picasso with the following message: “Presumably her Art teacher would disapprove of this because the [colors] were ‘wrong.’” And a different person complimented the budding artist’s skills: “Reminds me of a Sorolla painting. Fantastic use of [color] and perspective.”

The story transcends Edie’s drawing, as some people reported being put off an activity they loved because of a teacher’s comments. “I am hearing from quite a lot of people with similar stories that a mean art teacher put out their creative fire,” Leighton shares. “It’s so sad.. I am so thankful for everyone’s comments because it’s given my little girl such a boost in confidence with her art.”

If there’s one takeaway from this whole experience, it’s to supports kids’ efforts, because an adult’s words can stick with that child into adulthood.

When Gemma Leighton’s 6-year-old daughter, Edie, was told by a teacher that a painting she had created was “done wrong,” her mother took to Twitter to find support and cheer her up.

On top of the kind words, some art connoisseurs celebrated her amazing understanding of perspective and color.

Gemma Leighton: Twitter
h/t: [Upworthy]

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