Adventurous Couple Carry Kids on Their Backs While Photographing Breathtaking Landscapes

Australia-based couple Dylan Toh and Marianne Lim of Everlook Photography manage to balance parenting and their passion for landscape photography by carrying their two children on their backs as they travel the world to capture amazing scenes. While landscape photography is difficult enough with the need to transport heavy equipment to remote locations at odd hours of the day, Toh and Lim have learned to shoulder the additional weight of caring for little Charlotte and Jaime while on their expeditions, giving them the incredible opportunity to enjoy these special experiences as a family.

According to the couple, the most important thing to remember is that they are, first and foremost, parents, which means that they must always prioritize the needs of their children while they’re out shooting. Toh and Lim are careful to keep Charlotte and Jaime well-fed and entertained during shoots, as well as completely safe and secure in their carriers. While one parent photographs the landscape, the other takes care of the kids, allowing both the opportunity to focus equally on their craft and their family.

We had the opportunity to ask the photographers what they enjoy most about being able to take their entire family with them to capture amazing landscape shots. Marianne tells us, “What we enjoy the most about taking our whole family with us on a landscape shoot is having our children experience nature with us–enjoying the moment, and then recording it forever. While they are young, they might not fully appreciate how amazing it is, but we hope that as they grow older they will, and we will have these photographs as memories to last a lifetime.”

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