Soft Feminine Figures Creatively Covered with Delicate Dandelions

Artist Duy Anh Nhan Duc recently worked together with photographer Isabelle Chapuis to develop this alluring series, called Dandelion, as part of RAISE Magazine’s #16 Light Issue. In each soft portrait, the artist blended femininity with unique arrangements of delicate dandelions.

Soft layers of deliberately placed organic materials cover faces and bodies like translucent masks. Such careful arrangements produce the sensation that even the slightest breeze could send the petals scattering off into the air. Blossom Talent, a design studio dedicated exclusively to the plant world, says, “Through [Duy Anh Nhan Duc’s] creations, he weaves a poetic world where plants reign supreme.”

Check out the video below to see a bit of behind the scenes during the photo shoot.

Duy Anh Nhan Duc’s website
Isabelle Chapuis’ website
via [Ignant]

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