Elegant Cold-Drip Coffee Maker Modeled After the Eiffel Tower

If you love both coffee and architecture, then Dutch Lab’s Eiffel 2000mL cold-drip coffee maker has you in mind. The Seoul-based company mimics the structure and intricacies of Paris’ famous romantic landmark. Its French-inspired beauty provides a way to hold the coffee-making mechanisms such as the tubes and drip valves. The combination of its black, full-aluminum body with brass plating and glass makes for an elegant statement piece in any room.

Designers of the Eiffel 2000mL are not only concerned about its aesthetics, but they want it to make the best cup of coffee possible. So, they use a method called “cold-drip,” which doesn’t need any electricity or hot water to run. Three flasks align vertically and the force of gravity allows water to run through them. Water starts at the top and gradually filters down into a lower flask that contains specially-ground Dutch Coffee. As the liquid and grounds combine, they culminate in the lower glass orb. Dutch Lab recommends that you start the entire process at night so that your coffee is waiting for you the next morning.

In addition to the 2000mL system, Dutch Lab sells other (smaller) versions of the Eiffel, including 500mL and 1000mL coffee makers. Contact them directly if you’re interested in purchasing.

Dutch Lab website

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