Adorable Couple Surprises One Another by Accidentally Proposing at the Same Time

A marriage proposal is a happy and joyous time, but what happens when two people propose to each other in the same moment? If you’ve never pictured that scenario before, you aren’t alone. Tori Monaco recently asked her girlfriend of a year to marry her, but when she did—to her immense surprise—her girlfriend (now fiancée) Berkley Cade pulled out a ring, too. Yes, they accidentally proposed to each other at the same time.

Cade had bought the engagement ring in September and was waiting for a trip to visit her family in Washington to propose. Similarly, Monaco had the ring since January and planned on surprising her beloved there as well.

In a heartwarming scene all caught on video, Monaco and Cade were playing a game of Pictionary with the family. During Cade’s turn to draw, Monaco got on one knee and guessed “Will you marry me?” as an answer. There was a moment of awe on Cade’s part, and then she pulled out her ring and asked the same question of Monaco. The answer? Yes, of course!

“My heart was pounding. I had knots in my stomach the whole week leading up to it,” Monaco recalled. “I almost broke and proposed early so many times.”

So, how did it happen that the two women proposed at the same time? That was thanks to Cade’s mom, Kristy. She had spoken separately to Monaco and Cade about their desire to propose and coordinated them so they’d ask each other during Pictionary. “I was laughing at the crazy coincidence,” Monaco explained, “And just so unbelievably shocked that something so perfect was happening to me.”

The couple has set a September 2019 date for their wedding where they’ll be wearing two complementary dresses.

In one of the best marriage proposals ever, Tori Monaco and her girlfriend (now fiancée) Berkley Cade accidentally proposed to each other at the same time.

The video is so sweet, and the couple is just as adorable when they aren’t proposing.

Here’s the full proposal. Get ready to saw “aww” over and over again.

h/t: [Mashable]

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