Shelter Dog Overlooked 10,000 Times Finds a Forever Home in Time for Christmas

For a total of six years, 7-year-old, Dalmatian mix Dotty spent her life in rescue kennels and it’s estimated that she was viewed around 10,000 times by potential adopters. Once they heard about this heartbreaking story, The Daily Mirror decided to write about the pup’s struggle and included the Hilbrae Rescue Kennels‘ phone number. They were hoping that one of their readers would give “Britain’s loneliest dog” a forever home.

Fortunately, Ed and Janice Darrall came across the article and, a mere two weeks later, Dotty became a member of their family. “As soon as we saw the article in The Daily Mirror, we knew she was going to be the dog for us–I picked up the phone with the paper still in front of me,” Janice reveals. “She’s such a beautiful dog, we took to her instantly. Neither of us can believe she’s been there so long.” Dotty found her loving home just in time for Christmas and, to top it all off, her new owners have already bought her many thoughtful presents to celebrate.

Since older dogs tend to get overlooked when people are considering adoption, Dotty’s happy ending is especially heartwarming. “We wanted to rescue an older dog. When we saw Dotty she was absolutely perfect–we’re so excited to have her here at home with us,” says Janice. “We want her to trust us and love us, she’s had a tough start but hopefully now she can get the love she deserves.”

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via [Uplifting News, Mirror]

All images via Hilbrae Rescue Kennels.

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