Dad Doodles a Delightfully Imaginative World on Son's Bedroom Wall

How’s this for a cool dad? Instead of decorating his son’s room with framed pictures, Reddit user ThingsIveCreated thought beyond conventional decorations and decided to adorn a set of blank corner walls with imaginative drawings. Armed with a paint marker, the father crafted an entire cityscape that’s complete with a waterfall, tropical islands, and a cast of delightfully-goofy creatures all in a 20 feet by 10 feet space.

The Reddit user shares his process and reveals that he free-handed the entire drawing without the aid of a pencil outline. We see that he starts with the initial idea of a caped crusader on top of a building and then lets his ideas flow from there, moving down the wall and creating fun characters along the way. The result is a highly-personalized artwork that his son is sure to enjoy for a long time.

via [Reddit]

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