Remarkable Latte Art Featuring Photorealistic Cats Looks Too Impressive to Sip

Japan seems to be on the cutting edge of the quirky genre known as latte art; the latest trend features sepia-toned, photorealistic drawings of cats that are captured in the foam of an espresso beverage. Twitter user @dongurinekobei is responsible for these extremely-detailed creations that showcase subtle changes in shading, glints in the felines’ eyes, and remarkably thin whiskers. This isn’t something that you’d ever expect to see in your average hot beverage.

According to the latte artist, she’s the proud owner of a six-year-old gray tabby cat named Donguri, and she also fosters kittens known as Mugi and Uutan. They are, of course, the inspiration for these stunning portraits, and the foam images are so well done that it’s as if the cats’ reflections are staring back at us. It looks too impressive to sip!

If you enjoy this form of edible art, be sure to check out the 3D froth sculptures of another talented Japanese barista named Kazuki Yamamoto.

@dongurinekobei Twitter
via [Lost At E Minor]

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