Creative DIY Project Turns Coffee Pot into Adorable Terrarium

In this clever DIY project, an ordinary coffee pot that provides energy to millions of people in the morning has been repurposed to give life to plants. With just a few easy steps, a spare coffee pot can be transformed into a whimsical terrarium.

On her blog A Charming Project, creator Enid says coffee and plants have been linked in her mind since childhood, when her mother and grandmother fertilized overgrown devil’s vines with coffee grounds. In fact, Enid designed this creative terrarium as a tribute to her grandmother. “When I think plants and coffee, I’m instantly reminded of my grandmother,” the artist says. “She was one classy lady, and she loved her houseplants and roses almost as much as her afternoon coffee.”

The simple project can be completed with just a spare coffee pot and a few relics of nature. You can find the full instructions on Enid’s blog here.

A Charming Project
via [Lost at E Minor]

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