Green ‘Devil Comet’ Could Be Visible During April 8 North American Solar Eclipse

A Green Comet In Space

Photo: thomasroell/Depositphotos (Not a photo of the actual comet.)

People throughout the continent of North America will be able to observe a solar eclipse on April 8. An even luckier few will be able to experience a total solar eclipse, dubbed the Great American Solar Eclipse by experts. But in addition to the beauty of the eclipse, a several-mile-long meteor may show up in photos prior to the event. Even better, if the meteor explodes before the sun is completely covered, it may be visible to the naked eye.

The comet, which is named Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (12P), is approximately 10.5 miles wide, about the size of a city. During the comet’s early eruptions, it spewed gas and dust in the shape of horns, earning 12P the demonic nickname of the ‘devil comet.’ (Others joked that the comet bore a striking resemblance to the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars, but it is possible that this nickname was copyrighted.)

Despite the threatening name, however, the ‘devil comet’ is not dangerous. It orbits the sun once every 71.2 years, and even at its closest point, it is still further away than our sun, posing no threat to Earth. Instead, stargazers should look forward to the unique phenomena, as the comet gives off beautiful green light.

Those interested in observing the eclipse and catching a glimpse of the ‘devil comet’ should invest in some official eclipse glasses, as looking at the sun directly during the astronomical event could result in permanent eye damage. It is important to remember that the only time the sun is safe to look at during an eclipse is at the point of “totality” or when the sun is entirely covered.

A rare green ‘devil’s comet’ may be visible during the Great North American Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8.

Solar Eclipse

Photo: oorka5/Depositphotos

h/t: [Live Science]

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