Fashionable Cuff Bracelets Embossed With Subway Maps

These fashionable cut off bracelets are not only trendy, but they are functional, too. The silver cuffs are part of the Metro Cuff Series designed by Tiffany Burnette, owner of product design company Designhype. The bracelets are made out of stainless steel, and the lines and text of each map are actually embossed into the metal with various colors like red, black, blue, and even light violet.

The collection includes subway systems of cities around the world, including New York, Milan, Paris, Berlin, and Chicago. As you navigate unfamiliar trains, you no longer have to look like a lost tourist wandering aimlessly about. Now, travelers and locals alike can have quick and easy access to which subway stop is next by simply looking down at their wrist.

Design Hype website
via [My Amp Goes to 11]

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